Complete List of Philippine Mobile Network Prefixes 2025

Philippines Mobile Network Prefixes

Are you struggling to identify the network associated with a specific phone number in the Philippines? With a plethora of mobile carriers operating in the region, it can be a daunting task to keep track of them all. Fortunately, there are a variety of methods available to help you determine the service provider for your contacts without the need to ask them outright or wait for them to contact you.

Getting familiar with Philippine mobile numbers can be overwhelming at first, but don't worry, with the help of this guide, it will become effortless! Whether you're sending a message to a buddy or using a data plan, it's crucial to be aware of their mobile provider to determine if it will incur additional fees. With this comprehensive guide, you can familiarize yourself with the ins and outs of Philippine mobile numbers and communicate with ease.

Table of Contents
List of Mobile Network Prefixes in the Philippines
• SMART Mobile Number Prefixes
• GLOBE Mobile Number Prefixes
• DITO Mobile Number Prefixes
• SUN CELLULAR Mobile Number Prefixes
• TALK 'N TEXT Mobile Number Prefixes

Mobile number prefix is the first four numbers (like 0918-1234567) found in the unique 11-digit number from the different Philippine Telecommunication Networks including Globe, TM, Smart, Talk ‘N Text, Sun Cellular and DITO. A mobile number in the Philippines is composed of 11 digits and the first 4 digits (example: 0918) is what we call as the “mobile number prefix” which determines the mobile network either Globe, Smart, Sun Cellular, etc. Each mobile network has its own network codes or prefixes.

There are over seventy (70) mobile prefixes in the Philippines, it’s hard to figure out which prefixes belongs to what network. Unless you have a strong memory, it’s difficult to memorize all these mobile number prefixes and their corresponding mobile networks. Below is the complete list and guide of all mobile number prefixes in the Philippines. It's grouped into SMART/TNT, GLOBE/TM and SUN Cellular and DITO respectively.

List of Mobile Network Prefixes in the Philippines 2025

Network PrefixMobile Network
0813 networkSmart
0817 networkGlobe or TM
0904 networkGlobe or TM
0905 networkGlobe or TM
0906 networkGlobe or TM
0907 networkSmart or Talk ‘N Text
0908 networkSmart
0909 networkTalk ‘N Text
0910 networkTalk ‘N Text
0911 networkSmart
0912 networkTalk ‘N Text
0913 networkSmart
0914 networkSmart
0915 networkGlobe or TM
0916 networkGlobe or TM
0917 networkGlobe or TM
0918 networkTalk ‘N Text
0919 networkSmart
0920 networkSmart
0921 networkSmart
0922 networkSun Cellular
0923 networkSun Cellular
0924 networkSun Cellular
0925 networkSun Cellular
0926 networkGlobe or TM
0927 networkGlobe or TM
0928 networkSmart
0929 networkSmart
0930 networkTalk N’ Text
0931 networkSun Cellular
0932 networkSun Cellular
0933 networkSun Cellular
0934 networkSun Cellular
0935 networkGlobe or TM
0936 networkGlobe or TM
0937 networkGlobe
0938 networkTalk ‘N Text
0939 networkSmart
0940 networkSun Cellular
0941 networkSun Cellular
0942 networkSun Cellular
0943 networkSun Cellular
0944 networkSun Cellular
0945 networkGlobe or TM
0946 networkSmart or Talk ‘N Text
0947 networkSmart
0948 networkSmart or Talk ‘N Text
0949 networkSmart
0950 networkTalk ‘N Text
0951 networkSmart
0953 networkGlobe or TM
0954 networkGlobe or TM
0955 networkGlobe or TM
0956 networkGlobe or TM
0961 networkSmart
0963 networkSmart or TNT
0965 networkGlobe or TM
0966 networkGlobe or TM
0967 networkGlobe or TM
0968 networkSmart
0970 networkSmart
0973 networkSun Cellular
0974 networkSun Cellular
0975 networkGlobe or TM
0976 networkGlobe or TM
0977 networkGlobe or TM
0978 networkGlobe or TM
0979 networkGlobe or TM
0981 networkSmart
0989 networkTalk ‘N Text
0994 networkGlobe or TM
0995 networkGlobe or TM
0996 networkGlobe or TM
0997 networkGlobe or TM
0998 networkSmart or Talk ‘N Text
0999 networkSmart

SMART Mobile Number Prefixes 

Smart Communications, Inc. , commonly referred to as Smart, is a wholly owned wireless communications and digital services subsidiary of PLDT, Inc., a telecommunications and digital services provider based in the Philippines. The company has 61.8 million subscribers on its GSM network as of end-September 2016, under the brands Smart, Sun, and TNT. Smart's wireless broadband subscribers number 3.8 million under the brands Smart Bro and Sun Wireless Broadband.

Here’s the list of Smart mobile number prefixes:

GLOBE Mobile Number Prefixes

Globe Telecom is one of the biggest network operator in the Philippines. It has about 62.8 million subscribers. Since, Republika ng TM is a subsidiary of Globe, contacting a TM number using a Globe number is completely fine and vice versa, unless otherwise stated on the promo description you availed.

The following is the list of Globe mobile number prefixes:

Globe/TM Prepaid

DITO Mobile Number Prefixes

DITO Telecommunity, dubbed as the 3rd telco player in the Philippines, just entered the telecom service market earlier this year. It’s a quite hot topic rolling around for months now. They are slowly covering different areas in the country.

Here are the DITO mobile numbers:

SUN CELLULAR Mobile Number Prefixes

Sun Cellular is actually owned by Smart Communications but operates separately. This company is the one who first introduced the unlimited calls and texts services that we are enjoying now.

Below is the complete list of Sun Cellular mobile number prefixes:

Talk 'n Text Mobile Number Prefixes

TNT is a cellular service of Smart Communications in the Philippines. By April 2000, Piltel launched its GSM brand, Talk 'N Text. Piltel also reported 16,590,737 subscribers to its GSM brand, Talk 'N Text, before its transfer to Smart. Piltel used the 912 area code for its AMPS/CDMA service. However, it is now used for TNT.

Here’s the list of Talk 'n Text mobile number prefixes:

That was the comprehensive list of mobile network prefixes in the Philippines this year 2025. If you have any queries regarding this guide, please feel free to leave a comment below.

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