Many of us already know how to share their prepaid load to their friends or loved ones. But do you know that you can also share data in Smart and TNT? Yes, you can share your MB Data in Smart to your friends or loved ones through the “PasaData” feature. That way, your family and friends can enjoy free Internet access thanks to your generosity.
Smart Pasadata is just like pasaload, but instead of sharing regular load to your friend or loved ones, you're sharing a portion of your data MB to Smart and TNT users. The Pasadata function lets you send data load with minimum of 50MB per transaction.
Table of Contents
Smart PasaData - How to Share MB’s of Your Data Promo
How to Use Smart Pasadata
Who can avail Pasadata?
Pasadata Expiry or Validity
For Giga Video 50, formerly (Gigasurf), you are given 1GB of data and you can share it to your family and friends. The data receiver can use the shared open access data for browsing, video streaming in YouTube, Netflix, Facebook, Twitter, TikTok, Instagram and more. You can pass 50MB of its 1GB to your friends or family so you can stay both connected online! The shared data is an open access data, meaning you can access all sites and apps.
Smart PasaData - How to Share MB’s of Your Data Promo
Enjoy internet surfing and using your favorite apps like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Messenger, WhatsApp, Snapchat, Spotify, TikTok, YouTube, Mobile Legends, ROS and more. You can share any amount greater than 50MB as long as you still have enough data MB in your active promo.
You can share your data MB to Smart Prepaid, Smart Bro Prepaid and TNT subscribers. Passed data can only be passed once, therefore, you can't pass back or pass your received data to other people. Sharing of Video Everyday allocation of free YouTube and other free data for streaming is not allowed since you can only share the open access data of your Giga Video promo.
How to Use Smart Pasadata
Just text PASADATA <space> 11-digit Smart Mobile Number <space> Amount/no. in MB's then send to 808.
Sample format: PASADATA 09285401234 800MB send to 808.
After a successful transaction, you and data receiver will receive an SMS text from Smart regarding the shared data. Sender will be charged with P1.00 per transaction.
Who can avail Pasadata?
Pasadata and Share a Data service are only applicable to Smart Prepaid and TNT subscribers.
Pasadata Expiry or Validity
Pasadata is only valid for 24 hours or 1-day regardless the amount. Shared data cannot be transferred back to sender or to another mobile number. Passed data can only be passed once.
Sharing your unused data with your friends, family and loved ones is one way to let them know that you care. We hope that this article helped answer all your questions about how to share your data in Smart and TNT.
For other questions and concerns about Smart PasaData, you can dial Smart customer service hotline number *888 for free using your phone with Smart prepaid sim, to ask for help.