The multiplication sign is used in mathematics to display multiplication. Since this symbol isn't found on most keyboards, there are several ways to enter it on your computer in every major operating system. If you don't know how to type a multiplication sign (×) in your computer or laptop, worry no more, you’ll learn about the simple methods on how to type the times sign on the keyboard on your computer.
Most keyboards do not have a character for the multiplication sign (×). Here are three methods for typing a multiplication sign (×) in your computer or laptop. Just follow the simple instructions given below. You can choose any of the 3 options for multiplication sign/symbol.
How to Make Multiplication Sign (×) in Computer Keyboard?
Option 1: Hold Alt in your keyboard while pressing 0215: Alt + 0215 = ×
Note: Use the Numpad (Numeric pad) located on the right side of your keyboard. It will not work if you use the numeric characters located on the upper part of the alphabet in the keyboard.
Option 2: Just copy and paste the multiplication sign below: Choose any of the following (in different sizes).
Option 3: You also can click on the "Copy the Sign" button we provided below.
You can paste it anywhere you want. In terms of design, letter x is has a slight difference with a real multiplication sign ×. So use the one which is convenient for you.
That's it! You’ve just learned how to type Multiplication Sign (×) in Computer. Did you try the keyboard shortcut of the multiplication sign ×? If you still want something to be clarified about this symbol, please let us know in the comments section below.